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Forage & Feast

In 2024, I will become the first published author in my family. I am a first generation American, with parents who immigrated from Jamaica back in the late 70's. Luckily for me, I am 1 of 7 kids and all of my siblings are my best friends.


I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to write a book titled 'Forage & Feast', which takes you on a wild ride through the seasons as I teach you how to forage for wild mushrooms and plants, and then cook them up into delicious meals at home. It's fun, approachable, and heartwarming, as I give you a glimpse into my stories, how I became the person I am, and the people who have impacted me most along the way.


Nature Photography | Food Styling | Recipe Development: Chrissy Tracey

Food Photographer: Natalie Black

Plateware:  Mandy Martinelli Pottery 


Published by Penguin Randomhouse || Ten Speed Press


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